
ALPJOBS grant information:

Grant Agreement: n. 1/2/6 - ALPJOBS

Coordinator: Gian Antonio Battistel

Funding: Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund (ARPAF)

Timeframe: 01.03.2018 - 28.02.2020

University/Department: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Research and Innovation Centre

Partners: Fondazione Edmund Mach (Trento-IT, Lead partner), Polo Poschiavo (CH), Umweltbundesamt (AT), Plattform Land (Bolzano-IT), Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije - Zavod za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo Maribor/Slovene (SI)


DisclaimerThe content of this website reflects only the author’s view

Task: Identification of changing needs for new jobs

Coordinator: PL

Partners involved: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS

Action 2.1 Tutoring partners on techniques methodology
Action 2.2 Analysis of mega- and local trends
Action 2.3 Participatory building of strategies scenarios
Action 2.4 Reporting

WP 2.1 Analysis of mega- and local trends


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Material for partners Materials produced by partners Time Where

Training on methods of the Anticipation

Tuning the collaboration

Sharing guidelines

Partners + Operatives +

FEM experts

Guidelines on strategic interview, interview analysis, trend analysis and reporting - 1-day training 12 April 2019, San Michele all’Adige (TN- Italy)

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can be the same partners)

FEM-Experts: experts – appointed by FEM - providing training on methods (from futures studies) and coaching in their application


Training contents

  1. Introduction on anticipation and methods
  2. The method of Strategic interviews (individual)*
  3. The megatrends
  4. The “local” trends (to be explored by partners)
  5. Tasks for the partners

* Interviewees: at least 7-10 people of the study area, such as: 1 young employed, 1 young unemployed (or commuter, e.g. studying abroad), 2 local administrators, 1 student (school-age), 2 local entrepreneurs (in relevant local sectors such as tourism, agriculture, services).

WP 2.2 Trends and expectations


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partners Materials produced by partners Time Where
Analyses following the guidelines Partners + Operatives + Stakeholders (with remote coaching by FEM experts) Guidelines from 2.1 Report on local trends and strategic interviews

(1h per interview,

1h per interview analysis,

10-20 h per trend analysis)

20-30 h in total

Study area of the partner

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

Stakeholders: local interviewed stakeholders to be involved in the strategic interviews, local workshop

FEM-Experts: experts – appointed by FEM - providing training on methods (from futures studies) and coaching in their application


Each partner performs the assigned task:

  • selection of relevant stakeholders to be engaged (at least 7-10 people of the study area, such as: 1 young employed, 1 young unemployed (or commuter, e.g. studying abroad), 2 local administrators, 1 student (school-age), 2 local entrepreneurs (in relevant local sectors such as tourism, agriculture, services))
  • carry out individual interviews; of course, partners are free to carry out further interviews with others stakeholders of further study areas (in this case, partners will act without support by FEM Experts)
  • analysis of interviews: eliciting expectations and fears from/about the territory
  • analysis of local social-economic data (local trends from desk research, following the provided guidelines)
  • send the outcomes to FEM that will produce the Action report, 2.4

WP 2.3 Framing the strategic scenarios


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partners Materials produced by partners Time Where
Strategic scenario development Partners + Operatives + FEM experts

Guidelines on strategic scenarios

+ elements for Alpine strategic scenarios (produced with participants)

Report 4 common scenarios 1-day workshop

Bozen (Italy)

21-22 June 2018


Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

FEM-Experts: experts – appointed by FEM - providing training on methods (from futures studies) and coaching in their application


Along the workshop partners will:

  • frame - 4 common scenarios (“Shell” approach to scenario building), according to the most relevant uncertainties
  • send the outcomes (report of 4 scenarios) to FEM that will produce the Action report, 2.4

WP 2.4 Reporting


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Reporting FEM report from 2.1/2/3 - - -