
ALPJOBS grant information:

Grant Agreement: n. 1/2/6 - ALPJOBS

Coordinator: Gian Antonio Battistel

Funding: Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund (ARPAF)

Timeframe: 01.03.2018 - 28.02.2020

University/Department: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Research and Innovation Centre

Partners: Fondazione Edmund Mach (Trento-IT, Lead partner), Polo Poschiavo (CH), Umweltbundesamt (AT), Plattform Land (Bolzano-IT), Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije - Zavod za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo Maribor/Slovene (SI)


DisclaimerThe content of this website reflects only the author’s view

Task: Identification of future job profiles and contexts

Coordinator: FEM

Partners involved: PL, PoP, EAA, KGZS

Action 3.1 Tutoring partners on techniques methodology
Action 3.2 Design of territorial systems self sustaining the new jobs
Action 3.3 Assessment of strategie scenarios for replication
Action 3.4 Reporting

WP 3.1 Participatory design of local systems


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where


Participatory design of local systems

Partners+ Operatives+ FEM experts Guidelines for local replication List of variables related to desired futures + Causal loop diagrams (draft) 1-day training and workshop 6-7 September 2018, Pieve Tesino (Tn-Italy)

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

FEM-Experts: experts – appointed by FEM - providing training on methods (from futures studies) and coaching in their application.

Training contents: system thinking participatory design of viable social/territorial systems.

WP 3.2 Desired futures for local systems


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Design of
systems self-
sustaining the
new jobs
Partners +
Operatives +
(with remote
coaching by
FEM experts)
Guidelines from 3.1 List of variables related to local desired futures + Local causal loop diagrams (draft) 1/2-day workshop Study area of the partner

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

Stakeholders: local interviewed stakeholders to be involved in the strategic interviews, local workshop

FEM-Experts: experts – appointed by FEM - providing training on methods (from futures studies) and coaching in their application


Each partner performs (at least with the same stakeholders as in WP 2.2) the assigned task:

  • conduct a futures exercise with locals *
    • identification of the desirable futures*
    • identification of the relevant variables and promising conditions*
    • mapping the relationships between the relevant variables (structure of local system)*
  • send the outcomes to FEM that will produce the Action report, 3.4

* of course, partners are free to carry out further interviews with others stakeholders of further study areas (in this case, partners will act without support by FEM Experts)

WP 3.3 Promising local values and skills


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Desk research Partners + Operatives + Stakeholders (with remote coaching by FEM experts) Guidelines from 3.1 Report on local values and skills 10-15 h Study area of the partner

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

FEM-Experts: experts – appointed by FEM - providing training on methods (from futures studies) and coaching in their application


Each partner performs the assigned task:

  • map the variety of “local treasures”: products & services, production processes, environmental assets, outstanding traditions, etc.
  • send the outcomes to FEM that will produce the Action report, 3.4


WP 3.4 Reporting


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Reporting FEM report from 3.1/2/3 - - -