
ALPJOBS grant information:

Grant Agreement: n. 1/2/6 - ALPJOBS

Coordinator: Gian Antonio Battistel

Funding: Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund (ARPAF)

Timeframe: 01.03.2018 - 28.02.2020

University/Department: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Research and Innovation Centre

Partners: Fondazione Edmund Mach (Trento-IT, Lead partner), Polo Poschiavo (CH), Umweltbundesamt (AT), Plattform Land (Bolzano-IT), Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije - Zavod za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo Maribor/Slovene (SI)


DisclaimerThe content of this website reflects only the author’s view

Task: Awareness raising by training, dissemination of results

Coordinator: PoP

Partners involved: KGZS, FEM, PL, EAA

Action 5.1 Tutoring partners on techniques methodology
Action 5.2 Dissemination web-conferences/webinars
Action 5.3 Final Conference
Action 5.4 Reporting

WP 5.1 Teaching the future (jobs)


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Workshop and round table Partners + Operatives + Stakeholders + FEM experts     1-day training and workshop 9-10 May 2019,Poschiavo (CH)

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

Stakeholders: local interviewed stakeholders to be involved in the strategic interviews, local workshop

FEM-Experts: experts – appointed by FEM - providing training on methods (from futures studies) and coaching in their application


Training contents: introduction on teaching the future (jobs)

WP 5.2 Dissemination 


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Web-conference / webinars Partners + Operatives + Stakeholders + Locals - - 2-3h web.-conference per partner Different sites of study out of area of the partner, too

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

Stakeholders: local interviewed stakeholders to be involved in the strategic interviews, local workshop

Locals: the public and the potential beneficiaries of future replication (education institutions, professional schools, etc.)


Each partner performs (at least with the same stakeholders as in WP 2.2 + locals) the assigned task:

  • train the trainers/educators via web-conferences/webinars (local physical meeting are not excluded)

WP 5.3 Local Restituition and/or Local Final Conference


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Local Restitution (local Final Conference is possible)

Partners + Operatives

+ Stakeholders (where possible)

Agenda   half a day Local Restituition (local final Conference is possible with the same duration) Within the selected area of each PP

Partners: FEM, PoP, EAA, KGZS, PL

Operatives: facilitators, interviewers, data analysts, desk researchers appointed – if necessary - by partners (operatives can the same partners)

Stakeholders: local interviewed stakeholders to be involved in the strategic interviews, local workshop

WP 5.4 Reporting


(WP objectives)

Who (involved) Materials for partner Materials produced by partners Time Where
Reporting All partners Conference papers + final report - - -