
Funding: Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR) in Trentino

Asse: 1 - Rafforzare la ricerca, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione

Azione: 1.1.1. - Sostegno alle infrastrutture della ricerca considerate critiche/cruciali per i sistemi regionali

FESR Agreement: n. 05/2017

PAT Call: n. 29/21 February 2018

CUP number: C49H18000000001

Total project cost: 4.537.400 Euro 

Coordinator: Urska Vrhovsek

Timeframe: 21.02.2018-20.02.2021 (postponed)

University/Department: Fondazione Edmund Mach

DisclaimerThe content of this website reflects only the author’s view

Integrazione di piattaforme high-throughput applicate all'agricoltura, alla nutrizione e all'ambiente: raccogliere i frutti delle tecnologie "omiche"

FRUITOMICS represents one of the most important bioeconomy infrastructures in Trentino, supporting the FOOD, AGRO-ZOOTECHNICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL sectors. It will generate new knowledge to valorize agri-food and territorial products and create new business opportunities. 
The platform, which has already been identified in the Multiannual Research Program of PAT, has the aim to integrate and strengthen existing infrastructure at the Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) and link FEM to other national and international research infrastructure and clusters (e.g. Elixir, ESFRI EMPHASIS, cluster agrifood). It works on the priority research areas agro-food, quality of life, energy and environment by establishing on one site access to specialist skills and advanced high-throughput omics in synergy with other FEM and STAR (Trentino High Education and Research System) research infrastructures. 

FRUITOMICS will generate new knowledge and enlarge both national and international research and industrial collaborations . It will also allow STAR researchers to submit innovative research proposals based on the most advanced enabling technologies necessary to compete internationally for both public (Horizon2020/2030, etc) and private research investment. It will provide companies with tools to support industrial research and develop knowledge-based innovative business ideas in line with the new international research strategies in the agri-food and environment sectors.

FRUITOMICS will translate into practice the Smart Specialization Strategy objectives, integrating the major existing FEM infrastructure with new and renewed instrumental lines to further enhance the capacity to generate knowledge and innovation in collaboration with the stakeholders in agriculture, environment, health and wellbeing under a framework of sustainable development and higher education.