
Informazioni sul finanziamento:

Finanziatore: EIT-Climate KIC

Call: Climate Innovation Ecosystems 2/2018

Coordinatore: Alessandro Gretter

Costo totale del progetto: 1.492.303,75 euro

Durata: 01.11.2018 - 31.10.2021

Università/Dipartimento: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione

Partner: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Comune di Birmingham, Climate KIC, Comune di Goteborg, Hub Innovazione Trentino, Università di Trento


IST MOTION training

Prof. Sara Favargiotti presented SATURN as a case study at the  International Sustainability Conference 2020 (IST 2020) in a dedicated workshop.

IST MOTION training

The session has been organized together with the MOTION team, based on our ongoing work in the project, in the context of International Sustainability Conference 2020 (IST 2020) on the 18th of August, 2020 in the afternoon. Task managers, project managers and other partners from  EIT Climate-KIC have been invited, so they can learn from the ongoing experiences.

Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 1.14.51 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 1.18.26 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 1.25.08 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 1.41.45 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 2.53.16 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 3.10.43 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 3.25.39 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 4.04.07 PM
Schermata 2020-08-18 alle 4.09.07 PM