
Informazioni sul finanziamento:

Finanziatore: EIT-Climate KIC

Call: Climate Innovation Ecosystems 2/2018

Coordinatore: Alessandro Gretter

Costo totale del progetto: 1.492.303,75 euro

Durata: 01.11.2018 - 31.10.2021

Università/Dipartimento: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro Ricerca e Innovazione

Partner: Fondazione Edmund Mach, Comune di Birmingham, Climate KIC, Comune di Goteborg, Hub Innovazione Trentino, Università di Trento


Thinkers and Doers: Anastasia Nikologianni—landscape-led models for a carbon neutral future

Climate Crisis: Landscape-led models for a carbon neutral future, 10th June 2020


This lecture touches upon the climate challenges we face and the impact these have on the value of the landscape, our communities, and economies. Using real life projects, Dr Anastasia Nikologianni discusses innovative models that have demonstrated the significance of policy, transformation, and the landscape in strategic design within multidisciplinary teams and collaboration processes.

Watch dr. Nikologianni lecture here