
Projektkoordination: Kieran Tuohy, Fondazione Edmund Mach

Kommunikation Web: Anna Eriksson (E-STaR), Fondazione Edmund Mach,

Bando "I comunicatori STAR della scienza", Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Fulvio Mattivi

Center Agriculture Food Environment (C3A): University of Trento and Fondazione Edmund Mach

Fulvio Mattivi

Education. MSc. Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna, Italy, 1984.

Professional activities. Professor of Food Chemistry at the Center Agriculture, Food and Environment (C3A).

Research: His main research activity concerned food and wine chemistry, investigating the different classes of polyphenols under the analytical, technological and nutritional point of view. After establishing in 2009 a state-of-the-art MS-based laboratory of metabolomics, developing applications spanning from plant extracts to biofluids, his research interests moved towards the search of biomarkers in food chemistry and human nutrition.

Other activities: Board Member of Groupe Polyphenols

Publications: h-index: 45 (GS), >150 peer reviewed publication; 3 national and 2 European patents. total number of citations: 6973