
Projektkoordination: Kieran Tuohy, Fondazione Edmund Mach

Kommunikation Web: Anna Eriksson (E-STaR), Fondazione Edmund Mach,

Bando "I comunicatori STAR della scienza", Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Graziano Guella

Center Agriculture Food Environment (C3A): University of Trento and Fondazione Edmund Mach

Graziano Guella

Education. MSc Chemistry, University of Padova, Italy, 1981

Professional activities. Full Professor in Organic Chemistry, Department of Physics, Lab of Bioorganic Chemistry, Via Sommarive 14, 38123, Povo (Trento)

Research: In recent years the development of advanced spectroscopic techniques (in particular, based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry) for a complete definition of the lipid profile of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (both in plants and animals) and the elucidation of the new natural products have become the major focus of his research activities.

Other activities: Member of the Doctorate School in Biomolecular Sciences (UNITN)

Publications: h-index: 31, number of peer reviewed publications: 215; total number of citations: 3950