
Funding: Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR) in Trentino

Asse: 1 - Rafforzare la ricerca, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione

Azione: 1.1.1. - Sostegno alle infrastrutture della ricerca considerate critiche/cruciali per i sistemi regionali

FESR Agreement: n. 05/2017

PAT Call: n. 29/21 February 2018

CUP number: C49H18000000001

Total project cost: 4.537.400 Euro 

Coordinator: Urska Vrhovsek

Timeframe: 21.02.2018-20.02.2021 (postponed)

University/Department: Fondazione Edmund Mach

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Metabolomics and traceability


Coordinator: Federica Camin

Staff involved: Fulvio MattiviGraziano Guella

It is intended to significantly extend research in metabolomics and traceability by coupling powerful analytical techniques based on mass spectrometry (MS) with complementary approaches based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.

  • The NMR system dedicated to SNIF-NMR measurement in the field of traceability operates 24/7 to check the authenticity of food products, with 100% level of use. The high molecular complexity and diversity of biological samples (food, biofluids, environmental samples) requires a spectrometer with i) significantly better sensitivity and resolution ii) autosampler iii) updated H/W and S/W for the application of modern NMR profiling methods in the agriculture, food, pharmaceutical and environmental research.
  • Reinforcement of MS has two objectives i) to maintain capacity, by replacing the 2 spectrometers for untargeted analysis, of which one operating 24/7 with >80% level of use, the other obsolete and decommissioned , and ii) to grasp opportunities for development by installing two new systems to support increased demand for targeted analysis from human nutrition studies.