
Funding: Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR) in Trentino

Asse: 1 - Rafforzare la ricerca, lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione

Azione: 1.1.1. - Sostegno alle infrastrutture della ricerca considerate critiche/cruciali per i sistemi regionali

FESR Agreement: n. 05/2017

PAT Call: n. 29/21 February 2018

CUP number: C49H18000000001

Total project cost: 4.537.400 Euro 

Coordinator: Urska Vrhovsek

Timeframe: 21.02.2018-20.02.2021 (postponed)

University/Department: Fondazione Edmund Mach

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Nutrition and nutrigenomics


Coordinator: Kieran Tuohy

Staff involved: Francesca Fava

The Nutrition and nutrigenomics unit will expand FEM research capabilities by developing a new on-site facility for human feeding studies. FNU will provide a a dedicated nutrition facility for studying how foods, especially fruit, vegetables and fermented foods, are metabolized by the human body and in turn help protect against human disease and promote health ageing.

The FNU objectives are:

  • To provide the analytical infrastructure to support a human nutrition and dietary intervention studies focused on food and function in healthy people.
  • To generate critical mass in terms of human nutrition, complementing existing expertise in gut microbiota and functional food design.
  • To provide a stimulus for attracting significant external financial support for nutrition research from both public and private sectors at national and international levels.
  • To provide the scientific infrastructure needed to attract the best nutrition researchers to FEM thereby boosting nutrition research capabilities, research output, and scientific competitiveness in attracting significant external research funding.